Förhöjda känslor av tacksamhet och kärlek stärker/höjer immunförsvaret signifikant.
Joe Dispenza skriver om en studie som de gjort som snart publiceras. Salivtester togs från 117 personer och man mätte den viktiga immunparametern IgA.
De flesta av er läsare kanske har hört om IgA, liksom IgG och IgE i negativa sammanhang, såsom när det gäller antikroppar mot livsmedel och liknande. Inte att förväxla med det. När vi tex mäter SIgA (secretory IgA) så pratar vi om första linjens försvar. SIgA ser vi bl.a. är lågt i våra stressade och utmattade klienter när vi mäter det i GI map: https://4health.se/mage-tarm och detta vill vi gärna ha upp till normalhöga nivåer för att kroppen ska kunna försvara sig på ett bra sätt mot patogener.
Deltagarna i den aktuella studien upplevde förhöjda emotionella nivåer av tacksamhet eller kärlek under nio till tio minuter, tre gånger om dagen. Detta höjde deras IgA-nivåer (immunsystemet) med i genomsnitt 49,5%(!!)
“at our advanced retreat in Tacoma, Washington, we performed a study on how elevated emotions affect our immune function. We took saliva samples from 117 test subjects, both at the start of the workshop and at the conclusion four days later. We measured immunoglobulin A (IgA), which is a protein marker for the strength of the immune system.
IgA is an incredibly powerful chemical, one of the primary proteins responsible for healthy immune function and your internal defense system. It’s so powerful that it’s much more effective than any immune system booster you could possibly take. When stress levels go up, this lowers levels of IgA, thereby downregulating the immune system’s expression of the gene that makes this protein.
During the retreat, we asked our participants to move into an elevated emotional state such as love or gratitude for nine to ten minutes, three times a day. If we could elevate our emotions, we wondered, could we boost our immune systems?
The results amazed us. Average IgA levels shot up by 49.5 percent. The normal range for IgA is from 37 to 87 milligrams per deciliter (mg/ dL), but some people measured more than 100 mg/dL at the end of the workshop.This means that you might not need a pharmacy or an exogenous substance to heal you—you have the power from within to upregulate the genes that make IgA within a few days. Something as simple as moving into an elevated state of joy, love, inspiration, or gratitude for five to ten minutes a day can produce significant epigenetic changes in your health and body.
The article describing this study in Tacoma in 2016 has been submitted for peer review to the journal Brain Sciences. We are optimistic that it will be published by the end of this year. “
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