En studie har gjorts på kvinnor som använder plast tillsammans med varm mat (tex plasttallrikar eller plastburkar / värma mat i plastlåda). Resultatet – kvinnorna hade lägre nivåer av vitaminer och mineraler (vitamin E, zink och selen) och sämre nivåer (högre) av homocystein, TSH mfl markörer för hormonell hälsa.
Det är inte en kontrollerad studie, så orsakssamband kan man inte dra slutsatser om.
“Use of Plastics with Hot Food among Saudi Pregnant Women Is Associated with Increased Concentrations of A1C, Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone, and Homocysteine and Decreased Concentrations of Vitamins and Minerals”
“Data regarding association between the use of plastics with hot food and levels of vitamins and minerals, and other biochemical parameters are lacking. Cross-sectional data for 740 healthy pregnant Saudi women were collected from 21 health care centres and 2 hospitals from Madinah, Saudi Arabia. Detailed data regarding the frequency of plastic use with hot food were collected, and laboratory analyses of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), homocysteine (HCY), glycated A1C (A1C), and selected vitamins and minerals were also done. Daily use of plastics with hot food was frequently reported among young mothers (p = 0.002). Plastic use with hot food on a daily basis was positively associated with TSH, HCY, and A1C, while it was negatively associated with concentrations of vitamin E, zinc, and selenium. Future research should address the complex hormonal and metabolic abnormalities that are linked to the release of certain components associated with the use of plastics with hot food. Interventions are urgently needed to eliminate the use of plastics with hot food to prevent health complications that may result from the long-term use of these materials.“
Läs studien här: https://4health.se/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/nutrients-12-02609.pdf
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