Kolhydrater och då särskilt stärkelse, dvs de lättsmälta kolhydrater som återfinns i bröd, pasta, potatis etc, ökade risken för bröstcancer.
Man undersökte drygt 3000 kvinnor som haft bröstcancer och tittade på återfall. Kvinnorna följdes under 7 år och kolhydratintaget monitorerades.
Saxar lite ur den engelska artikeln:
“Women who increased their starch intake over one year were at a much likelier risk for recurring.”…
“women whose cancer recurred had a mean increase in carbohydrate intake of 2.3 grams per day during the first year, while women whose cancer did not recur reported a mean decrease of 2.7 grams per day during the first year.”
“Starches were particularly important, Emond said. Changes in starch intake accounted for 48 percent of the change in carbohydrate intake. Mean change in starch intake during the first year was –4.1 grams per day among women whose cancer recurred vs. –8.7 grams per day among women whose cancer did not recur.”
“When change in starch intake during one year was grouped into quartiles of change, the rate of an additional breast cancer event was 9.7 percent among women who decreased their starch intake the most during one year, compared with an event rate of 14.2 percent among women who increased their starch intake the most during one year.”
Resultaten verkar alltså vara helt I linje med min rosa bandet kampanj: https://4health.se/min-rosa-bandet-kampanj-har
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