Apropå inlägget om kopplingen mellan herpes (munsår) och Alzheimers så kommer här ett exempel på en studie som visar att D-vitamin fungerar antiviralt och immunmodulerarande vid herpes (HSV1, munsår).
“25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 and 1,25 Dihydroxyvitamin D3 as an Antiviral and Immunomodulator Against Herpes Simplex Virus-1 Infection in HeLa Cells.
The antiviral and immunomodulatory role of vitamin D has been shown in various viral infections. However, there is scanty literature available about the effect of vitamin D supplementation in herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) infection. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the role of two different forms of vitamin D: 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25D3) and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25D3) against HSV-1 in HeLa cells. The HeLa cells were supplemented with either 25D3 or 1,25D3 before HSV-1 infection and were studied after 6, 12, and 24 h postinfection (p.i.). The mRNA levels of toll-like receptors (TLRs), (2, 3, 4, 7, and 9), vitamin D signaling genes, and HSV-1 were studied using real-time PCR. The HSV-1 DNA load was estimated in culture supernatant. The supplementation of 25D3 and 1,25D3 significantly downregulated the mRNA levels of TLR2 (p < 0.0001) at 12 h p.i. The mRNA levels of TLR9 were found to be significantly downregulated in 1,25D3-supplemented cells at 12 h p.i. Furthermore, the significant downregulation was observed in HSV-1 titer in both 25D3- and 1,25D3-supplemented cells at 24 h p.i.(p < 0.0001). However, the effect of 25D3 supplementation persisted till 24 h p.i. with significant downregulation of TLR2 (p < 0.05) mRNA levels. The supplementation of both 25D3 and 1,25D3 before HSV-1 infection was found to downregulate the viral titer and TLR2 mRNA during the intial phase of infection. However, the effect of 25D3 supplementation was found to last for a longer duration compared with 1,25D3.”
Alzhemeirs är en infektion alla moderna studier visar det virus, bakterier, svamp.
D vitamin kan säkert stärka immunförsvaret enligt studien ovan.
Alla andra saker som kan minska symtomen stärker immunförsvaret eller är det virus och bakteriedödande endast därför kan det fungera.
Socker eller insulin kan inte orsaka Alzhemeirs, det finns inte HSV1virus i läsk.
Insulin kan inte orsaka hjärnskador inte en enda studier stöder insulin som orsak till Alzhemeirs.
Bra mat, vitamintillskott, troligen kokosolja, örter som är virusdödande med mera kan motverka Alzhemeirs.