I sin nya bok skriver James DiNicolantonio hur salt gör dig hälsosammare och hur mer salt gör att vi äter mindre socker och går ner i vikt. Givetvis försöker myndigheter gå till motattack.
Ur en artikel i The Guardian nedan. Utförligt på 4health.se om detta tidigare: https://4health.se/?s=salt
“In his new book, James DiNicolantonio claims salt could make us healthier. But experts have condemned the advice as potentially dangerous
Could eating more salt really reduce the amount of sugar in our diet and help us lose weight?”
“New York scientist James DiNicolantonio says in his book The Salt Fix that the World Health Organisation and the US and UK advisory bodies on diet have got it wrong with their advice to cut down on salt.
Salt is necessary and good for us, he says. Eating more salt will reduce the amount of sugar in our diet and help us lose weight, he says. Indeed low-salt diets may be causing brittle bones and memory loss and more salt could fix diabetes, he claims.”
““Instead of ignoring your salt cravings, you should give in to them – they are guiding you to better health,” he argues in his book, which has won attention for his ideas in the UK media. “Most of us don’t need to eat low-salt diets. In fact, for most of us, more salt would be better for our health rather than less.
“Meanwhile, the white crystal we’ve demonized all these years has been taking the fall for another, one so sweet that we refused to believe it wasn’t benign. A white crystal that, consumed in excess, can lead to high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and chronic kidney disease: not salt, but sugar.”
När myndigheterna går till motattack och säger att det är viktigt att minska saltinnehållet i snabbmat så har de delvis rätt. Eftersom det salt som används där är ren NaCl, inte ett näringsrikt bergs- eller havssalt. När din kropp begär salt är det mineraler den behöver, inte enbart natrium.
“DiNicolantonio says there is no evidence that a low-salt diet will reduce blood pressure in the majority of people. “Evidence in the medical literature suggests that approximately 80% of people with normal blood pressure (less than 120/80 mmHg) are not sensitive to the blood-pressure-raising effects of salt at all. Among those with prehypertension (a precursor to high blood pressure), roughly 75% are not sensitive to salt. And even among those with full-blown hypertension, about 55% are totally immune to salt’s effects on blood pressure,” he writes.”
““There was a very good experiment with the SAS, parachuted into a desert, which found they needed quite a low salt intake. If you have a higher salt intake it is more dangerous. They had to carry more water with them because of thirst,” he said.
“Moreover, if a high salt diet really put people’s health at risk then why are the highest salt-eating populations (Japan, South Korea, and France) living the longest with the lowest rates of coronary heart disease in the world?” he said.
“Low-salt diets are putting the population at risk as there are literally millions of people who are at risk of salt deficiency, with over six million people in the US alone diagnosed with low sodium levels in the blood every year.””
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