Skrev för många år sen bl.a. om det kända tricket att använda tranbär mot urinvägsinfektion ( Det många gör fel är att använda sockrad tranbärsjuice, vilket i värsta fall kan göra mer skada än nytta pga sockret.
Men tranbär i sig finns det fina studier på när det gäller hur de verkar mot bakteriell infektion. Det verkar som att tranbärens effekt är att bakterierna inte längre kan fästa på cellerna, och att det försämrar bakteriernas rörlighet. Dvs bakterierna dör inte, men de kan inte skapa en infektion om de inte kan röra sig och få fäste i kroppen. Då spolar vi ut dem genom att dricka tillräckligt med vätska.
Länkar nedan bl.a. till en metaanalys: “Conclusions Our findings indicate that cranberry-containing products are associated with protective effect against UTIs.”
och till kliniska in vitro studier “When the Proteus bacteria were exposed to high concentrations of cranberry powder, the researchers saw two interesting effects. First, just as in E. coli, the bacteria’s ability to swim or swarm across an agar plate embedded with cranberry powder was almost completely eliminated.”
och “This work reports the effects of cranberry powder (CP) on the motility of P. mirabilis HI4320 and its expression of flaA, flhD, and ureD. Our results show that swimming and swarming motilities and swarmer-cell differentiation were inhibited by CP. Additionally, transcription of the flagellin gene flaA and of flhD, the first gene of the flagellar master operon flhDC, decreased during exposure of P. mirabilis to various concentrations of CP. Moreover, using ureD–gfp, a fusion of the urease accessory gene ureD with gfp, we show that CP inhibits urease expression. Because we demonstrate that CP does not inhibit the growth of P. mirabilis, the observed effects are not attributable to toxicity. Taken together, our results demonstrate that CP hinders motility of P. mirabilis and reduces the expression of important virulence factors.”
och “In humans, uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) is the most common etiological agent of uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTIs). Cranberry extracts have been linked to the prevention of UTIs for over a century; however, a mechanistic understanding of the way in which cranberry derivatives prevent bacterial infection is still lacking. In this study, we used a fliC-lux reporter as well as quantitative reverse transcription-PCR to demonstrate that when UPEC strain CFT073 was grown or exposed to dehydrated, crushed cranberries or to purified cranberry-derived proanthocyanidins (cPACs), expression of the flagellin gene (fliC) was inhibited. In agreement with these results, transmission electron microscopy imaging of bacteria grown in the presence of cranberry materials revealed fewer flagella than those in bacteria grown under control conditions. Furthermore, we showed that swimming and swarming motilities were hindered when bacteria were grown in the presence of the cranberry compounds. Because flagellum-mediated motility has been suggested to enable UPEC to disseminate to the upper urinary tract, we propose that inhibition of flagellum-mediated motility might be a key mechanism by which cPACs prevent UTIs.”
Hej. Intressant studie! Jag var i kontakt med läkare på Uvisens som menade att beroende på svårighetsgraden så kan det vara nödvändigt med antibiotika. Dom har liknande tips på sin sida vid lindriga besvär. Rekommenderas verkligen! Jag fick hjälp och recept på 5 minuter!