Det finns en spännande produkt som kallas för TRS (Advanced Toxin and contaminants Removal System). Enklast beskrivet kan man säga att det är en produkt som är framställd i labb för att fungera som de sorters lera som ofta används i avgiftande syfte. Såsom bentonit, zeoliter mm.
Jag hittade en facebookgrupp där massvis med TRS-användare beskriver framgångssagor med allt från att bli av med autism och neurologiska besvär, till förbättrad ögonhälsa, munhälsa, bättre sömn och bättre mående generellt. TRS kan ta hand om tungmetaller och bekämpningsmedel, men också histaminer, mögel mm.
Och jag ska tillägga att det här inte är ett sponsrat inlägg, skulle det vara det är jag alltid noga med att tydliggöra det. Jag hittade produkten och kontaktade sedan den europeiska återförsäljaren och bad om varuprov för att testa och utvärdera. Jag blev ju väldigt nyfiken.
Längst ner i inlägget har jag citerat lite fakta och vad TRS själva skriver om produkten, men först lite från mig.
Jag nämnde TRS när jag skrev om min bakfyllekur här:
Jag har också testat att använda TRS mer kontinuerligt (från och till det senaste halvåret eller så) och märker personligen inga jätteförändringar, men det kan ju också bero på att jag inte har “tillräckligt mycket hälsobesvär”. Det händer definitivt något i kroppen, det märker jag inte minst för att min avföring blir mörk när jag börjar ta TRS. Det skulle potentiellt kunna bero på att det bundit upp överskottsjärn eller kvicksilver, som sedan kommer ut med avföringen. Jag hoppas i alla fall det 🙂
TRS kommer som en liten sprayflaska och man tar det genom att spraya in i munnen morgon och kväll. Man börjar med en spray och trappar sedan upp det till 2 spray morgon och 3 kväll.
Jag ser enorm potential i det här, i alla möjliga situationer, tex vid borttagning av amalgamfyllningar och för överskottsjärn (som vi bl.a. pratat om med Morley Robbins i podcastavsnitt 220 och 242); men jag skulle definitivt vilja se mer studier som framförallt bekräftar dess säkerhet. Inte minst för att vi pratar nanopartiklar här, och kunskapen om nanopartiklar påverkan på våra kroppar är fortfarande för begränsad. Jag skulle också vilja ha mer information/studier kring hur det påverkar andra mineraler i kroppen. Produkter som binder/ kapslar in toxiner, binder i regel också upp bra/nödvändiga mineraler, och vi vill ju inte utveckla brister på dessa nödvändiga mineraler. När jag frågade min europeiska TRS-kontakt om detta så fick jag svar enligt följande:
“TRS does not get rid of any minerals your body needs. It will only take excess to bring balance.
The body neutralizes the charge of any mineral that is needed and holds onto it until it can be assimilated. Minerals that are not needed are not neutralized and are picked up if they are “free floating”.
In addition, zeolites are amazing in this regard- they actually help balance the mineral/nutrients by sopping up all the free-floater minerals that are not absorbed by the body. Clinical trials will show that the electrolyte balance or antioxidant status are improved with regular zeolite supplementation, which is evidence that the necessary minerals/nutrients are in balance. This study shows that zeolites improved the tight junction, which regulates nutrient absorption.
Basically, this is how it works: the minerals/nutrients are immediately absorbed in the lower intestines by enterocytes, which line the walls of the intestines and are a part of the tight junction; the junction only allows in the minerals needed by the body. Once the minerals are absorbed by the enterocytes, they lose their ionic charge and become neutralized.“
Men jag har inte sett någon studie som verkligen bekräftar detta. Dock skriver amerikanska tillverkaren följande, vilket skulle kunna vara förklaringen till att det binder tungmetaller etc hårdare än “snälla” mineraler:
“Clinoptilolite (TRS) is shaped like a cage and is one of only a few minerals in nature that carries a negative charge. It’s this amazing combination that allows the zeolite to capture toxic heavy metals containing a high positive charge like mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminum, barium, thorium, cadmium, uranium, and others.”
Men som sagt, har man verkliga hälsoproblem som kan vara kopplade till ansamling av toxiner skulle jag personligen ge det här ett försök.
Missa inte tidigare mycket populära inlägg och podcastavsnitt på temat detox, använd taggen detox och lyssna på podcastavsnitt 112, 144 och 116
TRS kan du beställa här:
Har du testat TRS? Vad är dina erfarenheter? Kommentera här nedan i kommentarerna så att vi kan samla lite svenska erfarenheter.
Mer om TRS
Allmänt om TRS
“TRS is short for “Advanced Toxin and contaminants Removal System”. TRS is a clinoptilolite (lab grown zeolite) and it is bound to water. Clinoptilolite (TRS) is shaped like a cage and is one of only a few minerals in nature that carries a negative charge. It’s this amazing combination that allows the zeolite to capture toxic heavy metals containing a high positive charge like mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminum, barium, thorium, cadmium, uranium, and others. TRS will then remove them from the body. Once the toxins are trapped in the zeolites cage it is almost impossible for them to escape this bond, it takes over 900° F to break the bond. So once absorbed into the zeolite cage the metals are removed and cannot be deposited in other areas of their body.
TRS differs from other forms of chelation as the heavy metals are absorbed inside the cage (not stuck to the outside) and are therefore inside the zeolites negative charge field, because of this the metals are essentially neutralised and can not cause any other damage to surrounding tissue during the removal process so the removal of heavy metals can be accomplished much faster than any other form of chelation.
TRS is incredibly fast-acting and is completely removed from the blood in 5-7 hours and in turn, so are the trapped toxins and heavy metals. TRS is removed through normal bodily processes and due to it neutralizing and removing toxic material it greatly reduces the burden on the liver and kidneys. TRS is so small that the kidneys don’t have to filter them; that’s how gentle this method of detoxing is.”
“For Advanced TRS, the average particle size is only 0.9 nanometers. By making the particles smaller, more of the cages are exposed to trap toxins. Coseva uses standard particle measuring equipment every production run to ensure the purity, size and saturation of the manufactured zeolite in water.
By forming a true colloidal suspension where the zeolite is held inside a water cluster, the zeolite is able to cross the blood brain barrier. Without this colloidal suspension the zeolite would not cross that barrier. By nano-sizing the zeolite, Coseva is able to place more zeolite into more clusters of water making this solution very effective in all parts of the body.
Advanced TRS is a proprietary manufactured clinoptilolite formula.”
Hur man tar TRS
“Everyone should start at 1 spray a day and build up from there. TRS is tasteless and is very easy to administer. Just spray it directly into the mouth. Use daily.
Take 2 sprays in the morning and 3 sprays in the evening by mouth.”
TRS och histaminer
“TRS successfully detoxifies heavy metals, glyphosate, mold….but also it seems zeolite binds histamines providing another way to neutralize excess histamines in the gastrointestinal tract. Zeolite is a natural substance, that has a honeycomb-like structure, that absorbs into its pores, selective ingredients including excess histamine.”
Zonulin och läckande tarm
“A substantial human study of zeolite supplementation found a 30% improvement in zonulin (a marker of intestinal integrity). There was no significant change in the status of key nutrients. A 2017 animal study, also found that zeolite resulted in significant improvements in the gut villus (height, perimeter, section area) in the gut mucosa. There is evidence that zeolite reinforces or coats the mucosal barrier to protect it from the toxic effects of drugs and toxins.
The same 2017 animal study, found that there was a significant increase in digestive enzymes and nutrient absorption.
Leaky gut is thought to be a crucial step in the development of inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. A 2018 animal study, found that zeolite reduced gut inflammation and that an inflamed gut can be exposed to zeolite for a prolonged period without it being absorbed into the cells.
The outer cell wall of gram-negative bacteria contains pro-inflammatory lipopolysaccharides which are known to activate mast-cells. In an animal study, zeolite acted as an anti-inflammatory, preventing lipopolysaccharides from stimulating a variety of inflammatory markers, and regulating the immune system.”
Tarminfektioner som candida och parasiter
“Heavy metal toxicity and candida go hand in hand. It has been my experience that heavy metals are the underlying cause of Candida and Parasite infections and you can’t get rid of chronic candida or parasites if you have heavy metal toxicity. Parasitic infestations are more common than we realize. Candida and heavy metals create acidity and an anaerobic (lacking oxygen) environment they thrive in.
One reason for why candida and parasites takeover in the presence of heavy metal toxicity is that these infections actually serves a purpose to protect us from cellular damage and potentially fatal complications of heavy metal poisoning. So from this perspective candida and parasites are actually our friends, and although they cause a whole host of annoying symptoms they are actually the lesser of two evils in this sense. Without them we may die from heavy metal poisoning, this may sound drastic but from my research this sounds very possible.
Candida and parasites actually feed on heavy metals, along with sugar and store them within biofilms or within their own organism. When people kill candida with anti-fungals, the die off symptoms that are experienced are partly the result of the release of heavy metals into the body which overwhelms the liver and cannot be excreted fast enough. This is why detoxing heavy metals first or along with killing candida and parasites is imperative. If you do not you risk releasing a lot of toxic metals redistributing throughout the body.
According to the research around 80% of people who suffer from symptoms of Candida show elevated Mercury levels in their body. The growth of the fungus is the body‘s immune response to Mercury poisoning because the fungi connect with the heavy metal therefore providing a safe storage. Candida is an immune response to heavy metal poisoning, especially mercury. It absorbs its weight in mercury and prevents it from entering your bloodstream. As long as the mercury is there, you will have a candida problem.
Several published studies have demonstrated that TRS (Clinoptilolite) binds to a range of myco-toxins (toxins from fungi). Acting as an antimycotica, TRS is also used in preparations for humans to help with fungal infections.
TRS does not accumulate in the body and does not attach itself to body tissues. It remains suspended while drawing out heavy metals that are attached to body tissues. This process allows the body to dispose of the metals through its normal detoxification processes. It reduces any die-off symptoms caused by the mycotoxins that candida can produce. It raises intestinal ph restoring the correct balance of acidity in the small and large intestine. The rising ph levels kills bad bacteria while promoting the growth of good bacteria thus helping to restore your bacterial imbalance to normal.”
Tallkottkörteln, melatonin och sömn – samt autism, Alzheimers och Parkinsons
“A key role of the pineal gland is to synthesize and secrete melatonin, which controls the sleep/wake cycle. One of the critical purposes of melatonin, in turn, is to deliver sulfate to the neurons at night during sleep.
1. With sunlight exposure serving as a catalyst, the pineal gland builds up supplies of sulfate by day, storing it in heparan sulfate molecules.
2. The pineal gland produces melatonin in the evening, transporting it as melatonin sulfate to various parts of the brain, including the third ventricle, where the melatoninn releases the sulfate into the cerebrospinal fluid.
The association of autism with heparan sulfate depletion in the lateral and third ventricles of the brain now gets more interesting, because the tip of the third ventricle is encased in the pineal gland. The pineal recess is in fact the main site of penetration of melatonin into the cerebrospinal fluid. In other words, under normal circumstances the pineal gland delivers melatonin sulfate to the third ventricle, which then diffuses the sulfate throughout the cerebrospinal fluid. In addition, melatonin not only transports sulfate but also is an outstanding antioxidant and binds toxic metals to help dispose of them. It may come as no surprise, then, that melatonin impairment has been implicated in neurological disorders.
In healthy individuals, melatonin also plays an important role in inducing REM sleep, which is the most important stage of sleep. Interestingly, Alzheimer’s disease is associated with reduced REM sleep and a calcified pineal gland. Sleep disorders are also linked to autism as well as other neurological diseases, including depression, schizophrenia, ALS, Parkinson’s disease, and others.
If one recognizes that heavy metals play a part in the modern-day epidemic of neurological diseases, then part of the explanation for the sleep disorders encountered in various neurological diseases may be that both aluminum and mercury (thimerosal) disrupt the pineal gland and its ability to make sulfate. When the pineal gland’s ability to make sulfate is impaired, this, in turn, reduces production of melatonin, all-important for adequate and healthy sleep. The pineal gland is particularly susceptible to aluminum and other heavy metals because it is not protected by the blood-brain barrier and has a very high blood perfusion rate.
The pineal gland’s vulnerability to aluminum is illustrated in a 1996 paper showing that the concentrations of aluminum in the pineal gland were “consistently observed” and “markedly higher” than in other brain tissues examined. Returning to the link between the pineal gland, heavy metals, and sleep, a telling fact is that insomnia occurs more often as an adverse reaction to aluminum-containing vaccines than to vaccines not containing aluminum.
There is a reason one of the first thing people notice on TRS is improved sleep and more frequent dreaming…this is due to the aluminum and other metals being released and freed from the pineal gland. We also see emotional release and improved mood because the pineal gland has a large effect on mood disorders specifically depression and anxiety.
The pineal gland produces DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) a naturally occuring hallucinogen that can trigger for mystical states of consciousness. This could explain why the pineal gland has often been called as “the third eye”, and the seat of spirituality. When the functioning of this important gland is impaired, it can result in fatigue, insomnia, depression, or other psychic disorders. Decalcifying the pineal gland is not only desirable for spiritual pursuits, but is also beneficial physiologically and physically.
Calcification is the biggest problem for the pineal gland. Fluoride shuttles aluminum into the brain and they accumulates in the pineal gland more than any other organ and this leads to the formation of phosphate crystals. As your pineal gland hardens due to the crystal production, less melatonin is produced and regulation of your wake-sleep cycle gets disturbed.
Signs of calcification include…
1.) Extreme fatigue
2.) Cravings of alcohol and other toxic substances
3.) Brain fog
4.) Trouble sleeping
The best research now indicates that lingering fatigue is almost always a clear indicator that the pineal gland is calcified. In fact, many fatigue effects serve as obvious signs that something is wrong inside this part of the brain. Even depression offers a warning to patients that the pineal is under duress.
If one recognizes that heavy metals play a part in the modern-day epidemic of neurological diseases, then part of the explanation for the sleep disorders encountered in various neurological diseases may be that both aluminum and mercury (thimerosal) disrupt the pineal gland and its ability to make sulfate. When the pineal gland’s ability to make sulfate is impaired, this, in turn, reduces production of melatonin, all-important for adequate and healthy sleep. The pineal gland is particularly susceptible to aluminum and other heavy metals because it is not protected by the blood-brain barrier and has a very high blood perfusion rate. Heavy metals are the worst for Pineal Gland development as they rob the body of good metals such as Zinc and terrorize the organic process of your body.
TRS will break down hardened calcium that forms around toxic metals in tissue and removes these heavy metals from the body. Some signs of pineal activation include pressure between the eyebrows and some headaches along with increased foresight and light sensitivity. Improved sleep is also noticed. Besides TRS I would recommend adding iodine. Halides like fluoride, chlorine, and bromine accumulate in your tissue if you’re iodine deficient, which is an increasing problem around the world. Iodine has been shown to help remove halides from the body.”
“Look up the symptoms of any autoimmune issue and notice most of the symptoms are the same as those with heavy metal toxicity. Lyme, Lupus, MS, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, inflammatory bowel disease, type-1 diabetes, hypothyroidism, Graves disease, Hashitmoto’s, psoriasis, etc all have ties to metal toxicity.
Simply put, autoimmune diseases are conditions where the body’s immune system attacks its own tissues rather than a foreign molecule like bacteria. This happens when something confuses the immune system. Increasingly, that “something” appears to be the enormous load of toxic metals to which we are all exposed.
Heavy metals being a major cause of autoimmune disease is clear. Yet conventional medicine doesn’t take that into account when treating autoimmune conditions.
Instead, it tries to shut down the immune response with powerful medications including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Advil and Aleve, steroids like prednisone, anti-cancer drugs like methotrexate, and new drugs like Enbrel and Remicade that block the effects of a powerful inflammatory molecule called TNF alpha.
Those drugs shut down your immune system so powerfully that they increase your risk of cancer or life-threatening infections. And they have frequent and serious side effects and often give only partial relief. These drugs may be lifesaving for some in the short run but in the long run they do NOTHING to deal with the causes.
I can’t tell you how many people have seen improvements in their disease once they did a detox of metals. I will be breaking down more of these disorders individually in the future.”
Zeolit provade jag i höstas och jag tyckte att det fungerade bra, dels mot hjärtklappning efter histaminrik måltid, dels mot hjärndimma. Har haft problem med mögel hemma. TRS har jag däremot inte hört talats om tidigare.
Tack för att du delar med dig 😊🙏
Hej och tack för detta inlägget. Jag lyssnar på din pod och blev verkligen glad att du tar upp detta med detox av tungmetaller med TRS.
Jag blev av med min värk från fibromyalgi på 3 veckor med TRS.
Jag startade fb-gruppen TRS Sverige, som är en grupp för gemensam beställning för att få ner kostnaden då det är en dyr produkt.
Får jag lov att dela ditt inlägg i gruppen?
Hej! Tack för att du delar med dig! Och ja, dela gärna inlägget 😊👌
Jag har tagit TRS i 1,5 månad och jag har med hjälp av den kunnat sänka min sköldskörtelmedicin.
Skulle du vilja berätta lite mer? Hur märkte du att du kunde sänka, på så kort tid?
Du är modig du Anna <3
<3 <3
Väldigt intressant! Min son har grav autism så det hade varit väldigt spännande att prova detta på honom. Blir dock lite osäker om det kan farligt då han har en del andra mediciner bland annat ergenyl mot epilepsi.
Hej Malin!
Jag vet ett par grupper kring autism och TRS på fb där det finns erfarenhet och du kan få svar på dina funderingar.
Och en svensk/norsk grupp:
Lycka till 😀
Länkarna ovan fungerade visst inte helt ok. Grupperna heter TRS Detox- Autism spectrum och TRS- Autism
/ Kerstin
Tack Kerstin ska kolla in dessa 🙂
Hej Anna
Mycket intressant läsning om TRS
Har du någon erfarenhet av ACZ nano?
Det känner jag inte till. Är det liknande?
Hej, jag testade en flaska Azo Nano, som är lite mildare än TRS på min son och mig innan vi gick över till TRS för att, om möjligt, förmildra detox utrensnings symptomen lite då vi båda har borrelia och flera olika patogener i kroppen kroppen. Efter en månads användning så är hans tunga nu länge inte vit (candida)! Helt fantastiskt!
Jag har ganska rejäla utrensningssymptom och har fått massor av myggbettsliknande utslag på överarmar och längs ryggraden. Men det är bara att kämpa på, allt skräp ska ut!
Lycka till och tveka inte att börja!
Så spännande- tack för att du delar 😊🙏
Beställer du TRS via TRS UK (de jag länkar till)?
Tack för svar
Hört fler som säger att TRS starkare, förstår dock inte hur det kommer sig att utrensningssymptomen blir mildare med TRS? Eller har jag fattat fel?
Marie: Är det ACZ nano zeolite som du testat och som är mildare än TRS? Hur gick det med den? Tyckte du att du fick hjälp av den? Jag har också borrelia o co…
Själv har jag detoxat i omgångar med zeoliter, liposomal glutation mm men det har tyvärr inte hjälpt mot autoimmunitet. Jag trodde verkligen det skulle göra det.
Men jag inser att mitt problem beror på PTSD och långvarig, kronisk stress.
Tänk om man kunde detoxa bort stressen också!
Hur länge ska man hålla på med trs? Hur vet man när alla tungmetaller är borta ur kroppen?
tyvärr inte någon efter på det själv, utan hänvisar till vad TRS skriver själva
Kan du inte göra ett uppföljande inlägg om TRS om det kommit något forskning? Tänker just det här med nanopartiklar och säkerheten kring det? 🙂 Är väldigt nyfiken på just TRS men törs inte riktigt.
Vet inget mer om det än vad jag skrev här. All info kommer från olika distributörer som skapar facebookgrupper och svarar på frågor. Och de tjänar ju pengar på det….
Tack Anna! Ja jag har lusläst allt jag kommer över och de studier de hänvisar till är ju ofta gjorda på naturlig zeolit (Clinoptilolite) om jag förstått det rätt?
jag tror det. Du har säkert hittat minst lika mycket som jag 🙂
Hello I would like to ask is it ok for children with autism who take ergenil (medicine for epilepsy),how we can order and what’s the price.
Thanks in advance