I mitt populära inlägg om Corona i förra veckan (https://4health.se/studie-coronaviruset-stannar-kvar-och-fardas-langre-i-luften-och-pa-foremal-an-tidigare-trott) betonade jag att barn oftast inte drabbas så hårt av Corona, samt att ju yngre och friskare desto mindre risk. Men samtidigt verkar det som att många tar lite väl lätt på det.
Yngre människor är inte alltid säkra från sviterna av COVID-19. Uppgifter från Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (USA:s nationella folkhälsomyndighet) visar att nästan 40 procent av COVID-19-patienterna i USA som var tillräckligt sjuka för att bli inlagda på sjukhus var mellan 20 och 54 år. Dödligheten i denna grupp är fortfarande mycket lägre än hos patienter som är 60 år eller äldre, men yngre patienter kan få allvarliga komplikationer inklusive allvarliga lungskador.
“American adults of all ages — not just those in their 70s, 80s and 90s — are being seriously sickened by the coronavirus, according to a report on nearly 2,500 of the first recorded cases in the United States.
The report, issued Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, found that — as in other countries — the oldest patients had the greatest likelihood of dying and of being hospitalized. But of the 508 patients known to have been hospitalized, 38 percent were notably younger — between 20 and 54. And nearly half of the 121 patients who were admitted to intensive care units were adults under 65, the C.D.C. reported.”

“Among 508 (12%) patients known to have been hospitalized, 9% were aged ≥85 years, 36% were aged 65–84 years, 17% were aged 55–64 years, 18% were 45–54 years, and 20% were aged 20–44 years. Less than 1% of hospitalizations were among persons aged ≤19 years (Figure 2). The percentage of persons hospitalized increased with age, from 2%–3% among persons aged ≤19 years, to ≥31% among adults aged ≥85 years.“
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