Jag har fått många frågor gällande blodgrupp och risk för Covid-19. Inte minst i förra veckan apropå det här inlägget: https://4health.se/forklaringen-till-varfor-en-del-friska-halsosamma-personer-blir-svart-sjuka-i-covid-19-autoimmunitet-och-eller-genetik
Och det stämmer att personer med blodgrupp A har högre risk att insjukna och dö i covid-19 och personer med blodgrupp 0 har lägre risk.
Bl.a. visar en metaanalys (dvs en sammanställning av studier på ämnet) “Relationship Between Blood Group and Risk of Infection and Death in COVID-19: a live Meta-Analysis” detta (se utdrag ur studien nedan). Och en ny dansk studie visar att personer med blodgrupp 0 har 13% lägre risk för att smittas. Studien genomfördes mellan 27 februari och 30 juli, och totalt testades 473 654 personer.
Citerat ur metaanalysen:
“The relationship between ABO blood group and the incidence of COVID-19 infection and death has been investigated in several studies. The reported results were controversial, so the objective of the present study is to assess the relationship between different blood groups and the onset and mortality of COVID-19 infection using meta-analysis method.
Methods: We searched the databases using appropriate MeSH terms. We screened articles on the basis of titles, abstracts, and full texts and the articles that met the inclusion criteria were selected. Quality assessment was done with the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale checklist. The estimated frequency of COVID-19 infection and death in terms of ABO blood group and the overall estimate of the odd ratio between blood group with COVID-19 infection and death was done with 95% confidence interval.
Results: The pooled frequency of blood groups A, B, O, and AB among COVID-19 infected individuals was estimated as 36.22%, 24.99%, 29.67%, and 9.29% respectively. The frequency of blood groups A, B, O, and AB among the dead cases due to COVID-19 infection was estimated as 40%, 23%, 29%, and 8% respectively. The odd ratio of COVID-19 infection for blood group A versus the other blood groups was estimated 1.16 (CI 95%: 1.02-1.33). The corresponding figures for blood groups O and AB versus other blood groups were estimated as 0.73 (CI 95%: 0.60-0.88) and 1.25(CI 95%: 0.84-1.86) respectively.
Conclusion: This meta-analysis showed that individuals with blood group A are at higher risk for COVID-19 infection while those with blood group O are at lower risk. Although the odds ratio of death for AB blood group was non-significant, it was considerable.“
Mer via https://4health.se/?s=corona
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