Signifikant högre förekomst ALS och ALS-symtom hos personer som tar kolesterolsänkande medicin, statiner!
ALS, amyotrofisk lateral skleros, är neurodegenerativa sjukdomar där nervceller i centrala nervsystemet (hjärnan, hjärnstammen och ryggmärgen) dör. ALS angriper de motoriska nervcellerna, det vill säga de nervceller i hjärnan och ryggmärgen som styr musklernas rörelser. Detta leder i sin tur till muskelförtvining och förlamning.
Missa inte att lyssna på de ingående avsnitten på temat kolesterol och statiner, 139 och 140:
“Apparent elevations in reporting of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)-like conditions associated with statin use have been previously described from data obtained via US and European databases.”
“The aim of this study was to examine US FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) data to compare reporting odds ratios (RORs) of ALS and ALS-like conditions between statins and other drugs, for each statin agent.”
“We assessed for disproportional rates of reported ALS and ALS-related conditions for each statin agent separately by using the ROR formula. FAERS data were analyzed through September 2015.”
“RORs for ALS were elevated for all statins, with elevations possibly stronger for lipophilic statins. RORs ranged from 9.09 (6.57–12.6) and 16.2 (9.56–27.5) for rosuvastatin and pravastatin (hydrophilic) to 17.0 (14.1–20.4), 23.0 (18.3–29.1), and 107 (68.5–167) for atorvastatin, simvastatin, and lovastatin (lipophilic), respectively. For simvastatin, an ROR of 57.1 (39.5–82.7) was separately present for motor neuron disease.”
“These findings extend previous evidence showing that significantly elevated ALS reporting extends to individual statin agents, and add to concerns about potential elevated occurrence of ALS-like conditions in association with statin usage.”
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