- Om Crohns sjukdom och hur man kan bota/lindra med kost
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https://4health.se/darfor-ger-grona-gronsaker-okad-mattnadskansla - Svar på en fråga om lightprodukter
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Om sömnens betydelse
Om kursen den 7 mars
Search Results for: light
Questions from an international client
Steven from Holland asked me some questions and he gave me his permission to publish them:
“After your convincing speeches on food and the way cavemen are great consultants I have already changed my meal composition: (almost) no bread, potatoes, pasta and rice and lot’s of meat and fish!
Right now you can definitely pat yourself on the back; another soul won for the good cause 🙂
But this food intake also comes with challenges. Especially at breakfast:
- What to eat instead of bread? Stuff like meat and vegetables are just to hard to swallow in the morning. And trust me I have tried :D.
- I do cycling and for this you burn around 1000 carbohydrates an hour. The main source for these are bread, potatoes, pasta etc. What can I use as a substitute for this?”
Hi Steven!
I’m really happy to hear that you like it!
It all depends on if you want to have a strict paleolithic diet (i.e. caveman diet 🙂 ). I’m not strict, for example I’m eating dairy products such as cheese, butter and cream. I think the most important part is to have a similar distribution between fat, protein and carbohydrates as we’ve been developed for during the evolution, as well as to get all the vitamins, minerals, fat acids etc that we need.
Of course we were not made to drink the milk for calves and it is stuffed with cow specific hormones, but there are studies indicating that the milk fat is healthy while the proteins and milk sugar are worse for humans. Hence, I recommend to eat the fatty dairy products (>10%) and avoid light products.
Based on that:
Breakfast: I’m eating cheese omelet and also really fat Greek yoghurt with nuts (and berries if you like). There are also a couple of recipes here on the site (don’t know about their translation though, will try to improve it) for how to make healthy pancakes without using flour. One is based on eggs, cream and something we call “fiberhusk” in Swedish (anyone who knows a translation, please comment!). The other is with cottage cheese in it. I will also publish a non-flour-bread recipe shortly for those who can’t be without it. I always have boiled eggs in the fridge for the times you are in a hurry.
Regarding training: Of course it is easier to have some carbohydrates since this is the “fast fuel” for the body. But thinking as a caveman – you didn’t change your diet if you were going hunting for a couple of hours… I’ve written a little about this in Swedish – i.e. about training on fat energy instead of on carbohydrates. There are Swedish skiers and “ultraman” participants who successfully train and compete on fat rather than on carbohydrates (such as the gold medal olympian Björn Ferry)
I tried it for example during three weeks this summer when I was surfing and kitesurfing 2x2h/day without any pasta, bread, sugar, rice or potatoes. I increased the nut and yoghurt intake a bit though 🙂
But back to the cavemen – I would say teach your body to use fat as fuel (by eating fat the body learns how to use this by improving enzymes etc), and to perform better, the meal before training you can have some starch (carbohydrates). The carbohydrates you need you get from the sugary vegetables – roots such as carrot, beetroots etc (including potatoes if you like, but consider it one vegetable out of many and don’t fill your plate with only potatoes) as well as from nuts etc. If you want to ensure maximum recovery – just after training you should fill up with some carbs and proteins, I would recommend a banana and 2 eggs or similar (and then a real meal)
If you want to ensure best performance in competitions – you could eat one meal the night before stuffed with carbohydrates to ensure full glycogen in your muscles and liver. But not a whole week of this since that would then again ruin the body’s ability to use fat
Teaching your body to work on fat can give you better endurance – at least 10% of your body weight is energy stored as fat, while only ca 3-400g is stored as carbohydrates
Milkshake/ Smoothie
Anna Abbekås Smoothie Deluxe
Kokosgrädde och valfria bär i önskad mängd mixas i mixer. Garnera med bär och avnjut i högt glas med sugrör!
Se till att välja kokosgrädde/ kokosmjölk utan tillsatser (och inga light-produkter). Tyvärr innehåller den kokosmjölk vi köper på burk ofta en hel del annat än kokos. I asiatiska butiker kan man hitta ren kokosgrädde, ofta i vanlig tetrapak.
Fakta om kokosfett:
Kokosfett är ett mättat mycket nyttigt fett. Kokosfett innehåller laurinsyra som stimulerar fettförbränning och verkar hämmande på en del virussjukdomar. Mycket tyder även på att det förebygger demens/alzheimers.
Kokosolja har historiskt använts för att motverka infektioner av svamp, bakterier, parasiter och virus samt vid sårläkning och brännskador.
Eftersom kokosfettet är mättat är det stabilt och klarar upphettning – utmärkt att steka i alltså!
Tips: Använd kategorierna under rubriken Hälsotips längst ner i högra kolumnen för att sortera ut de inlägg du är intresserad av, t.ex. recept
Vi är inte gjorda för att äta den mängd kolhydrater vi får i oss idag. Vad tyder på det? Jo, allt från karies till evolutionen och välfärdssjukdomar.
Till att börja med har vi vårt matsmältningssystem. Vi har en liten magsäck anpassad efter energität mat (fett tex) och en kort tjocktarm som inte är anpassad till en för stor mängd vegetabilier (säd tex).
Sedan har vi kroppens alla processer och hormoner. Exempelvis hjärnans mättnadssignaler som stimuleras av fett och protein, samt det faktum att vi har en enda mekanism som sänker blodsockret när vi får i oss för mycket kolhydrater (hormonet insulin), men många mekanismer som kan höja blodsockret om vi är utan kolhydrater.
Från arkeologiska fynd kan vi även se att vi innan jordbrukets intåg inte hade karies.
Lightprodukternas intåg för 30 år sen innebar mindre fett i utbyte mot kolhydratrika tillsatser. Explosionen av diabetes typ 2 sedan dess vittnar starkt om effekterna av denna förändring.
Under 5 miljoner år har människor och människoliknande varelser levt som jägare/ samlare, men bara en tusendel av denna tid har vi levt som jordbrukare. Vi är gjorda för kolhydrater i den mängd som vi får i oss via grönsaker, nötter etc. Vi är inte gjorda för pasta, mjöl och polerat ris.
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