I Brittish Medical Journal publiceras en genomgång av Zoë Harcombe. Hon har gått igenom de högkvalitativa studier (RCT, randomiserade kontrollerade studier) och prospektiva kohortstudier som finns. Slutsats: det fanns inte vetenskapligt underlag för de riktlinjerna kring fett som kom 1977 och 1983. Inte heller har det tillkommit några bevis på fettets farlighet sedan dess.
“National dietary guidelines were introduced in 1977 and 1983, by the US and UK governments, with the aim of reducing coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality. The 2 specific dietary fat recommendations were to reduce total fat and saturated fat consumption to 30% and 10% of total energy intake, respectively.”
“This narrative review examines all evidence collated.”
“The RCT and PC evidence available to the dietary committees did not support the introduction of the dietary fat guidelines. The RCT and PC evidence currently available does not support the extant recommendations. Furthermore, the quality of the evidence is so poor that it could not be relied on had it provided support.
Conclusions Dietary fat guidelines have prevailed for almost 40 years. The evidence base at the time of their introduction has been examined for the first time and found lacking. Evidence currently available provides no additional support. Public health opinion differed when the guidelines were introduced. Opposition to the guidelines is becoming more strident. Substantial increases in diet-related illness over the past four decades, particularly obesity and type 2 diabetes, indicate that a review of dietary advice is warranted.”
Tidigare studier/metaanalyser har kommit fram till samma sak: https://4health.se/vetenskapen-visar-inga-nackdelar-med-fett
Läs också mer via taggen https://4health.se/tag/officiella-kostrad
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