Idag skriver jag på instagram om hälsoeffekter av bastu & värme (kan även vara av värmebad). Jag lägger även inlägget här på bloggen så att jag kan länka till studier mm, och lägga till lite mer info som inte får plats på instagram.
💚Hälsoeffekter av värme i form av tex bastu/IR-bastu:
🔥Värme förbättrar blodcirkulationen
🔥Värme och särskilt IR-bastu stimulerar lymfsystemet och stöttar dess viktiga jobb med allt från detox till immunsystem och transport av fetter
🔥Värme/Svettning är en form av detox
🔥Värme ökar avslappning och aktiverar det parasympatiska nervsystemet
🔥Värme stimulerar Heat Shock Proteins på samma sätt som kallbad, fasta mm (namnet till trots) och har en rad hälsofördelar genom att de bl.a. bidrar till reparation och återvinning/ autofagi i cellerna
🔥Bastu minskar risken för #hjärtsjukdom
Ju fler ggr/vecka desto mindre risk enligt finsk forskning
(se utdrag ur studier längre ner i inlägget)
🔥Bastu ökar #insulinkänslighet / minskar risk för #diabetestyp2
30 min värme 3 ggr/v i 12 veckor minskade insulin- och blodsockernivåerna med 31%
(se utdrag ur studien längre ner)
🔥Värme/bastu verkar även minska risken för #demens och Alzheimers 🧠
(se utdrag ur studier längre ner)
❓bastar du? Eller jobbar med värme/kyla för din hälsa❓
Jag tipsar även i inlägget om att det är 27% rabatt under black week nu den 18-27 november på med kod SPARRE 🙏
Trend Rehab sponsrar podden och mitt arbete och du hjälper detta genom att använda rabattkoden hos dem 🙏 I vanliga fall ger den ändå hela 20% rabatt på allt hos dem.
Själv använder jag IR-bastu, IR-madrass, vibbplatta och jordningslakan från dem, men de har även andra spännande produkter.
Ur studien på blodsocker och insulin
“Intermittent hyperthermia (by steam sauna) has been known to reduce insulin resistance in obese, diabetic mouse model. There was a 31% decrease in insulin levels and a notable reduction in blood glucose levels, suggest- ing resensitization to insulin.”
“The aim of the study was to know the effects of steam sauna bath on fasting blood glucose levels (FBGLs). A total of 80 subjects, 40 males and 40 females, in the age group of 30 to 50 years were subjected to seven steam baths on alternate days. The temperature of the steam sauna was maintained at 50°C and each bath was taken for 15 minutes.
Blood for FBGL was taken before the first steam bath and blood was taken again after seven steam sauna baths and the FBGL was estimated. The FBGLs after seven steam sauna baths were significantly decreased as compared with presteam sauna FBGLs. Steam saunas may help in preventing hyper- glycemia and hence diabetes mellitus. It is also beneficial for healthy, asymptomatic subjects.”
Ur studier på hjärthälsa
Sauna bathing is associated with reduced cardiovascular mortality and improves risk prediction in men and women: a prospective cohort study
Higher frequency and duration of sauna bathing are each strongly, inversely, and independently associated with fatal CVD events in middle-aged to elderly males and females. The frequency of sauna bathing improves the prediction of the long-term risk for CVD mortality.
Ur studier på Alzheimers och demens
Sauna bathing is inversely associated with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in middle-aged Finnish men
Conclusion: in this male population, moderate to high frequency of sauna bathing was associated with lowered risks of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Further studies are warranted to establish the potential mechanisms linking sauna bathing and memory diseases.
The first study was an observational study of 2,315 healthy Finnish men (age 42 to 60) who were followed up for an average of 20.7 years [2]. Compared to people who used the sauna once per week, those who used it 2-3 times per week and 4-7 times per week had a 21% and 66% lower risk for dementia, respectively. For Alzheimer’s disease specifically, the risk was 20% and 65% lower, respectively.
The second study was a larger, longer-term study that included both men and women from Finland. In this study, there were 13,994 men and women (age 30 to 69) who were free of dementia at the time of enrollment and were followed for up to 39 years [3]. Compared to people who used the sauna 0-4 times per month, those who used it 9-12 times per month had a 21% lower risk of dementia after controlling for sociodemographic, lifestyle, and metabolic risk factors of dementia.
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